This Personal
Lifelong Learning Plan (PLLP) presents my newest self-advancement program that
will help and guide me to better live productively and adapt to the changes in
the 21st century. It is the window to what I dream for myself and my
contribution to the global society as a teacher, as an educational leader, as a
citizen, and as a family member.
Writing the PLLP
was not an overnight task. It made me think of it from time to time, reflecting
on things I need to improve on day by day. It brought me deeper into my inner
self – a process of introspection about the attributes that I have and I should
have so that I can strongly face and address challenges of the present century.
The KSAVs that I am learning from this Course contributed significantly in
reconfiguring my vision about my personal and professional development. More
particularly, in looking into being able to contribute to social progress over
selfish motives, and willingness to learn, relearn and unlearn.
I owe much from my
principal and supervisor. They provided me a lot. First, their useful feedbacks
and recommendations. Second, the wisdom and insights they shared from their
seasons of rich experiences. Third, and I guess the most important, is the
opportunity of helping me realize that we learn most meaningfully with other
people. Learning is a social engagement. We learn from others more and better,
and I learn more and better from them.
Challenges in the
plan implementation phase are constant ingredients. But having the plan
implemented efficiently and effectively is surely fun. Here, I consider
challenges as internal (personal) and external (from others). Under internal
challenges, losing focus and undefined foggy priorities are personal threats.
On the other hand, lack of support from family, colleagues, school officials
and stakeholders, lack of resources, and not established policy mechanisms are
foreseen external challenges.
These threats are
just but normal. Internal challenges can be overcame with clear direction
coupled with determination and motivation in implementing the PLLP. Focus, decisiveness
and dynamism to learn will aid me row unstopped in enhancing my 21st
century literacies. A way of beating the external challenges is establishing
partnership with the right people whose eagerness to learn is a common goal.
This will create opportunities for collaboration, socialization, and leveraging
of ideas.
In a nutshell, PLLP
is an energy that makes me moving in the 21st century.
Randy O. Canales
21st Century Literacies
Level of Competency (Strong, Good or
Competent, Developing, Weak)
Activities to Improve /
Enhance Competency
Time Framework
Support / Resources Needed
Barriers / Challenges
Solution / Action
Arts and Creativity
Download and study production of
various art works
Research professional articles /
books on creative ways of problem – solving
Participate in creative and artistic
2017 onwards
Art works, materials and references
Unstable access to online sources
due to internet connection
Time constraints to participate in
artistic and creative activities
Borrow art materials, works and
books from colleagues
Effective time management
or Competent
Participate in activities that
promote environmental protection and climate change adaptation (CCA) – tree
planting, coastal clean-up, info-drives, etc.
Attend conference on CCA, DRR,
pollution, and environmental protection
Seek membership in environmental
Help implement policies on Solid
Waste Management and CCA-DRR programs and projects at the school
2017 onwards
Policy implementa-tion support
Membership support from environ-mental
Establishing school policy mechanism
on Solid Waste Management, CCA and DRR
A TWG should be in place that will
work on environmental concerns and institutionalize policies on environmental
Cyberliteracy (Computer and ICT)
Attend trainings and conferences on
electronic systems of data storage and management and communications,
including those which are work-related such as Learners’ Information System, EBEIS,
BCIS, etc.
Use strategically computers and
other technologies
Tap the expertise of colleagues who
can coach and mentor me in improving ICT Skills
Integrate ICT in teaching
2017 onwards
Technical expertise from colleagues
Internet Connection
Time availability of
Lack of access to technologies which
can be used in teaching and learning process
Request for the organization of
Learning Action Cells (LAC) where an expert colleague will mentor me and
other teachers
Seek support from school officials,
parents and stakeholders to provide access to technologies
Financial Literacy
Read books / articles about
financial management
Watch shows on TV and internet about
financial independence and loan management
Engage in entrepreneurial activities
with family and common-goal friends
Research on ways to integrate ICT
and entrepreneurship lessons
2017 onwards
Books / articles
Financial support
Family / friends may have other
different goals / priorities
Lack of material and financial
Partner with friends who have common
goals with me on Financial Literacy
Seek support from school officials
and parents to provide assistance needed in ICT integration
Media Literacy
Attend continuous advancement
programs on teachers’ role as facilitator of learning
Make use of different media in
accessing, discerning, evaluating and producing information and communication
Ask an expert to mentor / coach me
on media literacy
2017 onwards
Technology support
Professional advance-ment
Unstable internet connection
Access to seminars
Seek support from school officials
Request for a LAC session inviting an
individual who is knowledgeable on media literacy
Social / Emotional Literacy
Sustain membership in cause-oriented
Read scholarly articles / attend
conferences about stress management
2017 onwards
Membership support from civic or
cause-oriented group
Sustaining long-term membership in
civic group
Access to seminars / professional
Establish trust and confidence with
the group’s causes to sustain membership
Ask professional advice on stress
Globalization and Multicultural
Study and understand different
cultures and global issues through online sources
Work with colleagues of different
orientations and backgrounds
2017 onwards
Internet connection
Unstable internet connection
Using other forms of media such as
television and prints
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