Friday, May 25, 2018

Impressions on the 2015 Summer Training Program for MG Teachers



Division of Northern Samar

Good morning everyone!

I stand before you today to share with you the impressions of the multigrade teachers who served in the East and came to the West to learn new ideas and be more competent in the battlefield of touching and influencing the future through teaching.

Now that the training program reaches this culminating activity, we are greatly elated to say that we won the purpose of coming here. WE LEARNED!

Thank you very much Department of Education and the West Visayas State University. Your partnership uplifted our professional competence. We are definitely better than who we were the moment we arrived here. The training managers, the administration and faculty of the College of Education and the entire WVSU in general unselfishly offered the best that they have to provide a kind of training which is undeniably relevant in our vocation.

The trainers are knowledgeable. The staffs are approachable. To the trainers and the training staff, you are like BDO, you find ways to accommodate our needs and ideas.

Also noteworthy are the smart participants who are truly simply amazing, or magpakalilisang as we put it in Waray. It is amazing how we treated and bonded. We learned how to turn a challenge into a dramatic learning experience. We may be tired of the rushes of ideas and innovations but we never stopped to flavor our tasks with quality. We may have lots of differences – in cultures and personalities – but we let those differences create bridges to passionately solve our trials.

People from Region VIII are called Warays, which simply means nothing. But because of this training, we will go back to the different points of Eastern Visayas as Warays who are filled with new learnings.
Now the challenge is for us to serve as the torch of excellence molded by this institution famous for excellence in teacher education; a torch that will give light to our pupils and fellow teachers.

Dako ngan damu nga salamat DEPED, WVSU, ngan College of Education.

Salamat gid Iloilo!

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