Saturday, November 4, 2017

To what extent are school officials aware of Disaster Risk Reduction, and how they implement it?

Awareness and Implementation of Disaster Risk Reduction Measures of Elementary School Heads in the Balicuatro Area of Northern Samar, Philippines

by Randy O. Canales


The geographic location of the Balicuatro Area of Northern Samar along the Typhoon Belt facing the San Bernardino Strait and Samar Sea posed potential risks to its learners, school personnel, educational properties and records. Such condition prompted this study conducted in 2015 to provide a picture on how the school heads led the implementation of disaster risk reduction program as they are empowered by Republic Act 9155. It is focused on determining the level of awareness and status of implementation of seventy (70) completely enumerated elementary school heads of the natural disaster risk reduction measures provided by the Department of Education’s Disaster Risk Reduction Resource Manual and other government issuances. It also centered on finding the relationship between awareness and implementation; and, the difference on awareness and implementation between the school heads assigned in mainland and in island elementary schools. It employed descriptive-correlational and comparative methods. Frequency counts, weighted mean, multiple regression analysis and t-test were the statistical tools used to treat the data obtained through validated survey questionnaire. Results revealed that school heads were generally very much aware of the disaster risk reduction measures, and had highly implemented them. It suggests that information dissemination to the school heads through various platforms was effective in raising their awareness. It was also found out that there is a significant relationship between awareness and implementation which means awareness affects implementation. Thus the highest level of awareness on the measures should be attained to heighten implementation. Moreover, findings showed that respondents from the mainland and island schools had no significant difference on the level of their awareness but registered significant difference on implementation. School heads of the island schools implemented the measures highly compared to those in the mainland. Topography and vulnerabilities of the schools in the islands were big contributory factors to better implementation. 

Note: For the full text version of this research, please send email to the blogger @

Thursday, November 2, 2017


The GOLD that Every Gamer Wins
By Randy O. Canales

Go for Gold! This is everyone’s shout which drives all athletes and coaches to put their best foot forward in every athletic meet. It is the cry that inspires each aspiring amateur to play the game in the spirit of true sportsmanship.

Gold is the symbol of being a champ. It makes a winner proud of the achievement. It is the precious prize a champion can dedicate to benefactors and supporters. Every athlete aspires for it. But this is a game. Gold medals are elusive sometimes. One may win or lose. Winner gets gold. Loser gets nothing. However, there is another face of GOLD that everyone gains from the sports meet.

G – Great Camaraderie. People involved in any athletic meets enjoy warm camaraderie among themselves: athletes, coaches, officials and managers. The harmony of ideas and collaboration of efforts contribute to the precious success stories. New friendships are won. New ties are bonded. 

O – Opportunities Opened. Sports activities open lots of opportunities for the athletes. Their excellence in sports gives them spots to compete in higher meets. Students discover in themselves their own potentials in sports. This is a milestone in their growth.

L – Love for Sports. Athletics also blossoms the athletes’ deep love for sports which ignites their passion to outstandingly perform in different events. They start to embrace the values that sports offer. They develop a worthwhile habit of being engaged in sports, better far from negative vices that threaten the youth. This love must be translated into promotion of culture of sports in schools and communities.

D – Dreams Come True. Just being able to participate in sports competition is already a dream come true. Athletes enjoy the total experience of their participation, which cause more and bigger dreams to flourish. Now they dream of greater future success in sports.

Parallel to material rewards, this brand of GOLD speaks for eternal significance of sports. Wherever opportunities will take the athletes, they bring with them the lessons they learned from sports. This is the GOLD that makes every gamer a winner.


by Randy O. Canales
Several stories about fake news were aired over television, radio, newspaper, and social media in the past few days. They had gained everyone’s attention as they had caused misunderstandings and confusions. Like a cancer, fake news writers assured they spread very fast. All platforms of the ubiquitous information were affected. It is a threat that must be eliminated.

Responsible journalism is the exact antidote to the no good fake news. In a world where information can be accessed from anywhere and at any time, the role of campus journalism remains tremendously important. It has the power to breed a new generation of millennial writers who will continue to promote truth, accountability and responsibility in journalism. Amid the occurrence of unacceptable fake news, truth must be highly promoted. It must be strongly adhered to.   

This idea gives birth to the Lavezares Central Elementary School official pupils’ publication – Archers. This is the school’s most appropriate way of teaching us (its learners) to always adhere to what is factual and true. On this first official issue, Archers speaks to what it stands - truth and excellence - a gesture to fight fake news and embrace truth. Archers targets a brand of excellence founded on truth.  

Archers provides a new opportunity of our growth through the culture of writing and reading. Equally significant with other talents, writing and reading are always better and productive ways of spending leisure time. It also allows potential pupil-journalists to be engaged in learning the basics of journalism imbued with the value of truthfulness that will surely influence us to pursue profession in this field someday.  

With this, we shout our first hurray. Hurray to truth and excellence!


by Randy O. Canales

Philosophical Statement

I want my learners learn to live life productively and meaningfully with deep sense of values in the 21st century. I want them to be equipped with the essential knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that they need to face the challenges and adapt to the changes of time. I want them to learn to build bridges of respect to social and cultural diversities, common good, social accountability and responsibility, nationalism, love and peace. I want them to be able to find ways to remain strong and sturdy, despite the vulnerabilities of life.

As a facilitator of learning, I want to make my learners actively engaged in the teaching-learning process, and feel the welcoming, safe, comfortable and friendly atmosphere in the class. I believe that by doing so, their sense of belongingness is uplifted and their sense of importance is heightened. I want them to discover their potentials and find their true flow. I will help them nurture their respective flows and make use of that flow to improve themselves, the people around them, the country, and the world. Their respective flow or calling in life can be their greatest contribution to the civilization.

I believe the learning environment must be conducive in order to encourage learners to soar high to progress. The classroom must be an enabling factor for learners to grow and develop. Everything on it must be able to contribute to learning, including myself. 

I stand on the premise that it takes a village to educate the child. Synergized efforts strengthen education that is the greatest equalizer and has the power to cut the cycle of poverty. Furthermore, I imbibe the idea that learning is not confined in a four-walled room. The whole world is a classroom where everybody can be a teacher to anyone who is willing to learn.

Rules and Procedures

I believe that the classroom milieu should be friendly where everyone respects one another in the utmost sense of sincerity. I also believe on having rules in the class that everyone should be guided of and follow.

As what I am doing at the beginning of every school year, I will continue to have a democratic atmosphere in the class by letting the learners participate in the formulation of class rules, and taking part in decision-making. It became my practice every start of the school year to group the learners, give them some group dynamics and let them brainstorm about questions I prepared such as: How can I help maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of the classroom, its furniture, facilities, and the surroundings? How can I keep harmonious relationship with classmates, teachers, friends and schoolmates? What will I do to maximize learning? How can I avoid absenteeism?

A creative presentation of responses follows. Their responses become my basis in formulating class rules. Learners then create a right hand sketch with their names and signatures to signify their agreement to the rules. The rules are printed on sheets of paper and posted on the wall to remind everyone to follow the rules from time to time.

For most activities involving their participation, I solicit ideas from the learners on how to go through them. This democratic style in establishing rules and procedures is helpful of instilling to the learners the responsibility, civic-consciousness and leadership.

Classroom Arrangement
          For me tables and chairs arrangement should not be permanent. It must warrant flexibility to provide easy rearranging system for learning activities. Chairs and tables should be movable to facilitate working by pair, small group, big group or total group. Sometimes it can be aligned by columns and rows. Sometimes, grouped. Sometimes, V or U shape. The classroom space must be maximized for learning activities.

          I want a print-rich classroom. Learners will accumulate a lot of learning from prints that they always see like posters, quotations, charts, pictures, organizers, and others. There must also be learning boards for different disciplines where the children can gain additional information to substantiate and reinforce learning. There must also be a portfolio area where the learners can exhibit their works.

          The classroom should also provide space for materials and technologies that can be utilized for the teaching-learning episodes. A bank of instructional materials should be in place. Modern technology like projectors, computers, TV and audio should be present. Also present in the classroom is a collection of children’s favorite books and references gathered in a nook.

Misbehavior Interventions

If the learners deviate from the agreed terms, I try to solve it at the classroom within my capacity. I would talk to the child and listen to his claims in a manner that will make him feel still respected and valued despite any mistake. I would make the child feel welcome, so that it would be easier for me too to analyze how to treat the situation, and find ways to help the learner correct the wrongdoing.

If learners quarrel, I would heartily listen to both sides so that I will be able to have informed decision on the behavior measure that I must take.

I would also ask help from parents and school officials to work with me hand-in-hand in disciplining the children in subtle manner, so that they won’t get embarrassed. 

Classroom Safety

          I believe that safety is an important factor to consider. Thus in a classroom, safety must be consistently observed in physical arrangements of furniture, equipment and others, and in the conduct of class and school activities.

          Safety measures on the use of electrical equipment, laboratory apparatuses, and instructional materials should be made known to learners. Doors, ways and façade should not be obstructed with unnecessary belongings to facilitate easy passage during emergencies. Cabinets and hanging furniture should be well-placed.

          Learners and I also need to participate to hazard drills in school so that everyone knows what to do during undesirable circumstances.

          In doing class and school activities, learners’ safety against whether condition, places to go or venue, food and water safety should also be considered.
          Moreover, I want to have a classroom that is safe not only in terms of physical attributes but also social and emotional such as safety from bullying, maltreatment, stereotyping and bad labeling.

Student Celebration
          Students’ milestones are worthy of celebration. Big or small successes are occasions of motivation that would enable them to do even better.

          Learners who manifest significant improvement in their products, performances, and behavior need to be recognized and be given special mention through praises, acknowledgements, and encouraging gestures.

          Honor pupils for a quarter or school year and winners of contests should be recognized through awards in a school assembly, flag ceremonies or significant events.


Several factors affect learning, and classroom management is one.

In making this classroom management plan, I realized the importance of careful planning in order to effectively manage our classroom including its furniture, equipment, instructional materials, entrance and exits, and friendly atmosphere safe against social and emotional threats.

There are significant insights about classroom I learned from crafting the plan and feedbacks from school principal and supervisor:

1.   Classroom management is a blend of effective management of physical, social and emotional factors in order to have a welcoming and wholesome class environment.

2.   Careful planning contributes a lot to learning successes.

3.   Although rules and procedures are set, misbehavior may happen anytime. Thus, being proactive helps a lot in maintaining positive behaviour.

4.   I, as a teacher, must be consistent in reminding my learners about the rules and procedures they have agreed.

5.   Class rules must also be communicated to the school officials and parents.

6.   Modelling of the desired behavior by the teacher to the learners. Pupils will follow my deeds, not my words.

7. I am not alone in instilling positive behavior. I can work hand-in-hand with parents, school officials and the community.

8. Learners must be involved in formulating class rules and be given opportunities to express their ideas about class/school activities. This is a democratic classroom management that instill responsibility, civic consciousness and leadership.

9. Classroom's entrance and exits must be free from any unnecessary obstructions to facilitate easy and safe passage in cases of emergency.

10. Learners and teachers should be made aware what to do and where to go during emergencies.

Note: Submitted to SEAMEO INNOTECH as a requirement for GURO21 COURSE 1 via iFlex 

How to Create a Class in Google Classroom?

 How to Create a Class in Google Classroom? 1. Click Google Chrome browser. 2. Type and enter in the omnibox "